What is NAD+ and why are your NAD levels so important?

NAD+ Formula - Live Longer NMN from Norway


A simple way to understand the importance of NAD+ is to compare it to a fuse in your cells. Think of NAD+ as this fuse that gradually shortens as you age, this normally starts around age 25. From this tipping point, NAD+ levels begin to decrease, marking the start of a natural but critical change in the cells' ability to maintain optimal function.

By the time a person reaches the age of 40, it is estimated that they only have about 50% of their optimal NAD+ levels left. This loss of NAD+ is not only an indicator of the aging process, but it also plays a direct role in how aging affects our bodies at the cellular level.

A more in-depth explanation of what NAD+ is

NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) functions as an essential coenzyme and molecule found in all living cells, and it plays a decisive role in several fundamental biological processes. This molecule is key to energy production as it acts as a carrier of electrons in the metabolic process that converts nutrients into energy – a process known as cellular respiration. So very essential in a number of biochemical reactions that drive the cells' metabolism. The energy generated through this process is vital for our cells to be able to perform their necessary functions, maintain their structure and respond to environmental changes.

  • A molecule is the basic unit of a chemical compound. It consists of two or more atoms that are bound together through chemical bonds.

  • Molecules can be simple, like the oxygen molecule (O2), or complex, like the DNA molecule.

  • Molecules are the building blocks of all chemical compounds and organic compounds in nature.


  • A coenzyme is a type of molecule that is necessary for the enzymes to function correctly in biochemical reactions.

  • Coenzymes act as "helpers" for the enzymes by helping them carry out specific reactions. They help transfer chemical groups or electrons between molecules.

  • Coenzymes cannot work alone, they must work together with an enzyme to carry out a specific reaction.

So, to summarize, a molecule is a basic chemical unit, while a coenzyme is a specific type of molecule that is essential for enzymatic reactions in the body. NAD+ is an example of a molecule that acts as a coenzyme in many important biochemical processes.

Beyond its critical role in energy production, NAD+ also has a central function in DNA repair, regulation of cell aging, and control of circadian rhythms. These processes are fundamental to maintaining cell health and functionality, making NAD+ a key molecule in the fight against aging and maintenance of overall health.

NAD+ is essential for the activity of sirtuin proteins, which play an important role in longevity and aging processes in several other critical cellular processes:

  • Sirtuins help maintain cell health by promoting DNA repair, regulating inflammatory processes, and participating in energy metabolism.

  • Furthermore, NAD+ is essential for the function of Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARP), a group of enzymes that are central to DNA repair, cell death, survival, inflammation, immune response, as well as energy and metabolism regulation.

Given its extensive roles, it is clear that NAD+ levels directly affect our cellular health and functionality. A reduction in NAD+ is linked to the aging process, reduced energy levels, and an increased risk of a number of age-related diseases. Therefore, maintenance and potential increase of NAD+ levels through lifestyle changes and dietary supplements has become a focus area for research in aging and longevity. By understanding and influencing our NAD+ levels, we can potentially slow certain aging processes and improve our overall health and well-being.

Increase NAD+ levels

In order to improve your NAD+ status, it is important to understand what factors can decrease this status. Important factors include aging, DNA damage, excessive alcohol consumption, overeating, obesity, and high blood sugar levels. These factors can all contribute to a reduction in NAD+ and negatively affect health.

Lifestyle choices to increase NAD+ levels

To counteract the decline in NAD+ and actually improve levels, there are several lifestyle choices and strategies that can be implemented:

  • Dietary supplements: Supplements such as nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) and nicotinamide riboside (NR) are precursors to NAD+ and can effectively increase the levels of NAD+ in the body. These supplements have been shown to have positive effects on energy levels, DNA repair, and can potentially slow down the aging process.
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  • Exercise: Regular physical activity, especially high-intensity exercises such as HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), has been shown to increase NAD+ levels. This contributes to improved metabolic health and energy production.
    Read more in our article Find your optimal training protocol and make it more efficient!

  • Diet: A balanced diet low in refined carbohydrates and including fermented foods can promote NAD+ production. Fermented foods such as kimchi and kefir can help increase NAD+ through their impact on the body's metabolic processes.

  • Calorie restriction and fasting: Intermittent fasting and calorie restriction have been shown to increase NAD+ levels and can extend lifespan in studies. These methods can mimic the effects of caloric restriction without having to drastically reduce caloric intake.
    Read more in our article Fasting for Better Health: A Complete Guide

  • Sauna and cold therapy: Use of a sauna and exposure to cold, such as ice baths, or showers with cold water (preferably below 16°C) can stimulate the body's defense mechanisms and contribute to increased NAD+ levels.
    Which in turn activates sirtuin genes and contributes to better cellular function and longevity.

Live Longer NMN - High quality lab-tested NMN

When it comes to improving NAD+ levels, the quality of the supplements you choose is critical. Live Longer NMN offers a high-quality, lab-tested NMN supplement with a purity of 99.9%, and completely free of traces of heavy metals and other impurities. NMN is an effective precursor to NAD+ and can play a key role in improving NAD+ levels by supporting both the production and recycling of NAD+.

By integrating NMN from Live Longer into your daily routine, along with conscious lifestyle choices such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, moderate alcohol consumption, as well as the use of sauna and cold therapy, you will take important steps towards much better health and personal well-being. These strategies will positively support your body's natural aging process and help maintain and improve your NAD+ levels, which in turn will lead to a healthier, more vital lifestyle and a slower aging process.

Read our article What is NMN? Benefits, uses and everything you need to know if you want to learn more about NMN and its benefits.


Covarrubias AJ, Perrone R., Grozio A, Verdin E NAD+ metabolism and its roles in cellular processes during aging - PMC NLM. 2020 Dec 22. doi: 10.1038/s41580-020-00313-x PMID: 33353981 PMCID: PMC7963035
Rajman L, Chwalek K, Sinclair DA Therapeutic Potential of NAD-Boosting Molecules: The In Vivo Evidence: Cell Metabolism Cell Metab. 2018 Mar 6;27(3):529-547. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2018.02.011. PMID: 29514064; PMCID: PMC6342515

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