Find your optimal training protocol and make it more efficient!


During my 30 years of active training, I have navigated through countless training methods, diets and routines. However, it was only during the unexpected circumstances of the covid-19 pandemic and its subsequent lockdowns that I was forced to re-evaluate and adapt my training habits. This period of forced innovation led to the discovery of a fitness balance that not only improved my physical fitness, but also my mental well-being and overall quality of life. By experimenting, adjusting and fine-tuning, I have developed a training protocol that I believe can be adapted and utilized by many, regardless of their individual training background.

Training routines and discipline

My weekly training plan balances strength and endurance, with an average dedication of 7-9 hours to physical activity. This time is divided into 2-3 strength sessions in the fitness center, where I focus on fundamental lifts that lay the foundation for muscle strength and mass, as well as maintaining testosterone by doing these heavier, larger exercises. Furthermore, there are 2-3 endurance sessions preferably outdoors, which typically include jogging and functional training in tufte park. To maximize recovery and further improve my overall health, I also integrate regular sauna visits with ice baths on my rest days. This balance between activity and rest is key to maintaining a healthy and sustainable exercise routine. Read more about using saunas and ice baths .

Streamlining training routines

The start of the week sets the tone for the following days. By committing to a workout every Monday, even a short one, I establish a positive rhythm for the rest of the week. This mental trick helps build momentum and maintain discipline throughout the week. I have found that even on days that were originally planned as rest days, it is often possible and actually beneficial to include a light workout. This helps to keep the body moving and the mind engaged in the training goals.

Mentality and motivation

Exercise is more than just a physical activity; it is a mental discipline that requires dedication, patience and a positive attitude. By seeing exercise as a means to achieve a better version of myself, I find the motivation to continue even when it's challenging. It's about valuing and caring for your body, understanding its needs and limits, and constantly striving for improvement. This mentality is essential to maintaining a lifelong commitment to physical wellness. It is also important to remember that there will be many days when you don't feel quite ready to train, which is completely normal, but the most important thing then is to turn up and do a possibly lighter training session. Remember, you never regret having trained!

Proposal for a training program

To accommodate different skill levels and goals, I have developed training programs that range from beginner to advanced. These programs are designed to offer a balanced mix of cardiovascular training, bodyweight exercises, and strength training with core exercises. By alternating between these forms of training, you ensure sufficient rest and recovery for the various muscle groups, while maintaining a high degree of general physical fitness. The programs are flexible and can be further customized based on individual preferences, available equipment, and specific training goals.

By following these principles and adapting the training routines to their own needs, everyone can find their optimal training protocol. Remember that the key to lasting success is consistency, adaptability, and a positive attitude towards exercise and health.

2-3 sessions in total per week.
1-2 cardio/own weight.
1-2 strength sessions with basic exercises

Cardio/own weight.
20-35 min jogging/rowing, cycling or swimming.
20-25 min calisthenics park training. 2-4 exercises. 3-5 sets,
Stomach.: hanging knee lift / hanging leg lift / situps 10-30 repetitions.
Chest: Push-ups obliquely. 20-30 repetitions.
Back: Incline pull-ups – 10-15 repetitions.
Legs: squats without weights - 20 -30 repetitions.

Incline pull-ups

Pullups down

Incline pull-ups top

Strength training with basic exercises:

When it comes to base exercises, i.e. basic strength exercises, I have a personal preference to focus on building pure strength, which usually involves performing 4-6 repetitions per set. For those who want to increase muscle mass, it is recommended to go to a repetition range of 8-12. After completing a comprehensive warm-up, I suggest completing 5 working sets of the specific exercise. Any work done up to your target weight should be considered part of the warm-up process. For example, if I'm aiming for a training weight of 130kg in the squat, I'll start with 3 sets using only the bar for warm-up, which also includes dynamic stretching and light mobility work. Then I increase the weight gradually, by about 20 kg at a time, until I reach my target weight. At this point I perform 5 sets of usually 6 reps for each set.

Day 1
Squat/leg press
Military press/bench press
Standing rowing/Sitting rowing

Day 2 (optional)
Bench press/Military press
Seated rowing narrow grip

Maintenance training.:

4-5 sessions a week.
2-3 cardio/own weight.
2 strength sessions with basic exercises

30-40 min jogging/rowing, cycling or swimming.
25-30 min calisthenics park training. 3-4 exercises. 4-5 sets,
Stomach.: hanging leg lift to a minimum of 90 degrees, preferably all the way up.: 10-15 repetitions.
Chest: Push-ups flat - 30 repetitions.
Back: Incline pull-ups - 20 repetitions
Pull-ups.: 10-15 repetitions.

Strength training with basic exercises:

Day 1
Squat/leg press:
Military pressure:
Standing Rowing:
Seated rowing narrow grip

Day 2
Ground lift
Bench press
Narrow grip bench press.
Seated rowing narrow grip.
Seated biceps curl, (dumbbells)

6 sessions a week.
3 cardio/own weight.
3 strength sessions with basic exercises

Cardio/own weight:

40-60 min jogging/rowing, cycling or swimming.
30-40 min calisthenics park training. 4-5 exercises. 5 sets.:

Day 1
Stomach.: hanging leg lift all the way up to the bar.: 15-25 repetitions.
Chest.: Push-ups flat.: 40-50 repetitions.
Back.: Incline pull-ups.: 20-30 repetitions
Pull-ups.: 15-25 repetitions.
Reverse grip pull-ups.: 15-25 repetitions.

Day 2
Stomach.: hanging leg lift all the way up to the bar.: 15-25 repetitions.
Chest.: Push-ups flat.: 40-50 repetitions.
Back.: Incline pull-ups.: 20-25 repetitions
Muscle-ups: 5-10 reps.
Dips.: 25-35 repetitions.

Day 3
Stomach.: hanging leg lift all the way up to the bar.: 15-25 repetitions.
Chest.: Push-ups flat.: 40-50 repetitions.
Back.: Incline pull-ups.: 20-25 repetitions
Pull-ups.: 15-25 repetitions.

Strength training with basic exercises:

Day 1
Squat/leg press:
Military pressure:
Standing Rowing:
Seated rowing narrow grip

Day 2
Bench press
Narrow grip bench press.
Waves from above down /waves from below up. Different every time.
Seated biceps curl, (dumbbells)

Day 3.
Military pressure:
Standing Rowing:
Seated rowing narrow grip
Side Raise Dumbbells / Side Raise Dumbbells Leaning Forward.
Seated dumbbell bicep curl. /French press with Z bar. Different every time.

My top 5 recommended supplements

When it comes to maximizing the results of your training efforts, supplements play an important role alongside a balanced diet and a well-structured training plan. Here are my top 5 recommended supplements that can contribute to improved performance, faster recovery, and overall health.

NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) from Live Longer

Why it's important: NMN is at the forefront of anti-aging research and has been shown to support the cells' energy production by increasing the levels of NAD+ in the body. This is particularly important for maintaining muscle strength, endurance, and general vitality.

Benefits: Can contribute to improved energy levels, delayed aging process, and strengthened immune system.

Recommended use: Follow the manufacturer's dosage instructions, as optimal dosage may vary based on individual needs and goals. Read more here: What is NMN?


Why it matters: Creatine is one of the most researched and proven supplements for increasing muscle mass and strength. It helps regenerate ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the primary energy source for short-term, high-intensity activity.

Benefits: Improves performance in strength and explosiveness, supports muscle growth, and can improve recovery time.

Recommended use: A common recommendation is a loading phase of 20g per day for 5-7 days, followed by a maintenance dose of 3-5g daily.

ZMA (Zinc, Magnesium Aspartate, and Vitamin B6)

Why it's important: The ZMA combination supports multiple body functions, including sleep quality, hormone balance, and immune defense.

Benefits: Can improve sleep quality, support testosterone production, and contribute to better recovery.

Recommended use: Best taken on an empty stomach, approx. 30-60 minutes before bedtime. Avoid taking it with calcium-rich foods or supplements, as calcium can prevent the absorption of magnesium.

Cod liver oil (Fish oil)

Why it's important: Cod liver oil is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for the heart, cognitive function, and are anti-inflammatory.

Benefits: Can contribute to a reduced risk of inflammation, improved heart health, and better joint function. Omega-3 is also important for muscle repair and recovery.

Recommended use: Be sure to choose a high-quality supplement and follow the recommended dosage on the label, often around 1-3 grams daily.

BCAA (Branched-Chain Amino Acids)

Why it's important: BCAAs, consisting of leucine, isoleucine, and valine, are essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own. They play a critical role in muscle protein synthesis and recovery.

Benefits: Can reduce muscle breakdown during exercise, accelerate the recovery process, and improve muscle growth.

Recommended use: Ingestion before or during exercise can be particularly effective. Doses vary, but 5-10g around the time of training is common.

Dietary supplements as support, not replacement

Most supplements are designed to complement your diet, fill nutritional gaps and offer extra support where it's needed most. This may be to improve performance, speed up recovery, or meet specific health requirements. Their effectiveness is most noticeable and significant when used as a supplement to, and not as a substitute for, a well-balanced and nutritious diet.

In future discussions, I look forward to sharing more about my personal experiences with diet, and what has worked well for me, and potentially for you too.

A holistic approach to health and exercise

To truly maximize your training results and maintain optimal health, it is essential to adopt a holistic approach. This means giving as much attention to diet and lifestyle as to the training itself. Here are the basic components of such an approach:

Proper nutrition : Prioritize a diet rich in nutrients that support both your energy levels and your body's ability to recover. Include a wide range of whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, and healthy fats to ensure you get all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Hydration: Water plays a critical role in almost all of the body's functions, including transporting nutrients and oxygen to cells, regulating body temperature, and as a means for the body to get rid of waste products. Make sure to drink enough water throughout the day and during exercise to maintain optimal performance and overall health.

Rest and recovery: Exercise is only part of the equation for building strength and improving fitness. Equally important are rest and recovery, which allow the body to repair itself and rebuild stronger. Make sure you get enough sleep, take rest days when needed, and practice active recovery to maximize your training benefits.

By implementing these principles into your daily routine, you can ensure a balanced approach to exercise and health, which not only focuses on physical activity, but also on nutrition, hydration and recovery. This will not only improve your immediate training results, but also contribute to long-term health and well-being.

Conclusion and invitation to dialogue
As illustrated, there are a number of approaches to this form of training. It is quite possible that, in your own fitness journey, you will discover a unique balance or innovative methods that resonate better with your personal goals and preferences. It is important to keep an open mind, be willing to experiment, and not be afraid to challenge established training routines. Exploration and adaptation are the keys to lasting progress and personal growth.

Given the interest this article may arouse, I am motivated to prepare a follow-up part. In this sequel, I plan to explore the topic even more deeply, enriching the discussion with additional insights and detailed strategies.

We hope you find value in what is shared here, and encourage you to get involved further. Should you have any questions, need further clarification, or want to share your own experiences, we encourage you to comment below or contact us directly.

Our goal is to support you on the way to realizing your training ambitions. We look forward to being part of your journey towards results!

Go to the gym!
Chasing sunsets, relishing the post-gym endorphin rush. Remember: Progress doesn't sleep! Embrace each day, make your own success, and let the sunset be a reminder of your journey. 💪🏾🌄 Trust yourself and don't look back!
- Malcolm

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